Social Science

School Notice Board

Welcome to Kathrine Public School, Bangalore
Our School
Katherine Public School was established in 2006 by Poor Handmaids of Jesus Christ, Sisters whose Generalate (Mother house) is in Germany. It is a registered Society known as Katherina Kasper Social Service Society based out of Bangalore. Our school is located at Vidayanagar, Bangalore and our focus is to educate children of the neighbourhood.
Education plays a very important role in the development of children who are the citizens of tomorrow.
Hence the motto of the school - Grow, Go & Glow - in all aspects.
Grow - This translates into a well rounded academic, physical and attitudinal development of the child. However - the challenge is to allow the child to develop as a well intending and acting future citizen who would face the world not just in a positive state of mind but also with academic equipping, sport competitiveness and the attitude of an overcomer.
Go - to have a mind, will and emotion that is able to face the world and the challenges that come in one's day to day life. The willingness to go is the willingness to face and embrace.
Glow - means to go forward to face the world and witness to the world by glowing in excellence in every area of the child's developed interest. The children in KPS are encouraged to cooperate while they are given every opportunity to compete and excel individually and for the sake of the nation and world at large.
Principal's Message
Dear Students, Parents and Everyone,
“Education is not learning of facts but the training of the mind to think.” - Albert Einstein.
As Principal of Katherine Public School, Vidyanagar, Bangalore North, it is my pleasure to welcome you to our school website.
Our website is a resource which showcases the wealth of experiences we offer at KPS. It also reflects the wonderful work of our learning community.
A School plays a crucial role in shaping a child’s future. Not only does this include the provision of education and ensuring learning, but moulding the character, morals and value system of the child as well. A school provides the foundation needed to view the world as a limitless space providing innumerable opportunities to shine.
We, at KPS, strive to provide education that explores, challenges and grooms every aspect of child’s personality.
The school believes in providing top quality education coupled with holistic growth of a child and aim to create a successful global citizen. In today’s dynamic world when every moment a new innovation in technology is evolved, the school provides ample opportunities to students to innovate and think critically and lead the learning process.
Our teachers are professionally equipped to develop adapt and modify curriculum content, pedagogy and assessment which suit the needs and aspirations of our students. Teachers work hard to provide students with differentiated support that address each student’s specific needs both academically and socially.
I Firmly believe the parents are their child’s first and must important teacher. Parents play a vital role in the education of their children. We happily welcome all our parents to take an active role in the education of their children and to be the active participants in our school life. Get to know the staff, especially the child’s teacher and assist where you can. So the school can work to together in the interests of everyone.
I would like the parents to know my door is always open to discuss any concerns, questions or ideas you may have regarding your child’s education. I welcome you all to an outstanding learning community where everyone is dedicated to a high standard of excellence.
We look forward to working together to support every child to fulfill the school motto: Grow, Go & Glow.
We firmly believe in the dictum of the quote: “Where a Team works, Dream works”! For Katherine Public School believes that it is only that a team with proper vision in mind can achieve the pinnacles of success which every institution reckons and aspires for. Wishing all our children a happy and successful journey of learning!
"Let noble thoughts come to us from every side"
Sr. Premila PHJC.